"Pulvis et umbra sumus," said Will, not looking at her as he spoke. "I believe we are dust and shadows."

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Ohgodohgodohgodohgod whatdoIdoooo

I'm up to date on Homestuck.

Now, on the one hand, that's TOTALLY AWESOME NEWS. On the other hand, I've torn through years' worth of homestuck in a couple of weeks. I'm going to be experiencing some severe withdrawal symptoms. It'll be horrible.

It does mean that I will be able to scour the net for awesome fanworks without having to fear exposure to the Late Arrival Spoilers. :"DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD.

Yeah. I'm just kind of shaken right now because all this time it's seemed so endless and now all of a sudden there's no proceed button. Oh the humanity.


On a totally different note, I'm probably going to be participating in the school talent show this year (as I did last year), but I'm having trouble deciding which song I want to sing for it.... Random suggestions are welcome, I guess? :'D.

Huh. Not much of interest anymore. I was going to say something else entirely but the catching up with Homestuck has hotwired my brain.

Hasta la bye bye!~



  1. Well what kind of music do you like? It should at least be something you enjoy singing :P Good luck if you enter!

    1. That's the thing, I listen to almost anything. I want to sing something I can actually manage though, so I might end up doing a Paramore song, like last year. But then, my parents tell me that perhaps I should forego 'a song I really like' for 'a song I can sing very well'; but I don't really know what would fit in the last category..

    2. Well what do you think you can sing well? Just pile me with you singing and I'll tell you what sounds good :P

    3. Bahahaha, watch out, I might actually end up doing that x'D.
      But I'd have to record some things first, and I'm never satisfied with recordings so I wouldn't hold my breath for it if I were you. :'D.

    4. I don't mind at all, you never did email me back anyway :P You told me you like your voice so I think you'll do it. I'm not that good at holding my breath though anyway.

    5. Alright, I'll try. If I get something halfway decent out of it, I'll send you the files, deal? :'D. Don't know when I'll get around to it, though.

  2. Hey!!! At least count yourself lucky you didn't catch up right before the Hussman took a LONG ASS FUCKIN BREAK to draw [S] Cascade!

    He's updating prolifically now; that's gr8. ::::)

  3. Oops, sorry. Should be this account now xD

    1. SO TRU3. TH4T WOULD'V3 B33N TORTUR3, H3H3H3. >;].
