"Pulvis et umbra sumus," said Will, not looking at her as he spoke. "I believe we are dust and shadows."

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

6 credits, get!

Alrighty. We're just about finishing up the second semester over here. As such, I've just rounded off the second semester practical. I haven't gotten my final grade yet but I know I've made it. This means I just got 6 more 'study credits'. About that, I have no idea what kind of measures or whatever they employ in other countries. All I know is that when you go to uni here in the Netherlands, they've got this kind of system to ensure people who won't be able to handle it can't continue. Basically all classes in the first year have a set amount of credits bound to them, and the only way to earn the credits is by passing the course. I'm not sure about the details because as of yet there's no sign of impending threat heading my way, but I'm pretty sure that somewhere a few months from now, we'll be assessed by the higher-ups. It will be a very simple evaluation: by that time, you've got to have earned a set margin of the total amount of points that can be earned in the year. If you haven't made it, you're not allowed to continue with the study. I'm pretty sure there's also some rule that says that when you've received this binding negative advice, as they call it, you're not allowed to come back and try the same study again, whereas if you know you're not gonna make it and you quit a month ahead, you'll be able to start over in the next year. The good thing is that there's no extra effort required; just passing all your classes nets you all the credits you need. It's why I feel no need to dally on the particulars while so far I've passed everything.

But I digress. Horribly. What I was going to say was that we finished up this practical, Project Biochemistry, by holding a mini-symposium. This meant that the groups all had to give a presentation and make a research poster. I happen to have been in an awesome group and as such we did quite well: we got a 7.5 out of 10 for the presentation, which is only half a point lower than the highest mark, and we got an 8 for the poster, which is the highest mark. It's good to know that something good came of the fact we had to get up at obscenely early o'clock. ;).

Also, in other news, I'm currently listening to a newly devised playlist that holds all of the songs that were played in the first two seasons of Supernatural. Or, well, the ones I could find, anyway. I think it's good reference for some good ol' rock. I don't listen to that shit enough. 

Anyway, since I've tempted you with Supernatural and therefore possibly conjured images of Jensen Ackles, here's another one :D<3.

Pretteh. :). 



  1. Well done on getting such high marks there :D We have credits systems over here but we tend to deal in higher levels of credits, one uni course can be up to 300-600 credits.

    1. High marks. I see what you did there.

      Yeah about the credits system, I have no idea what's up with it. All I know is that we may have to earn 45 credits by the end of the year.. or something? Not even sure if there's binding advice coming from that shall you fail. But hey, I'm almost halfway through already, and the available credits are 60? So yeah, easy-modo.
      Oh and good job and everything. ;D

    2. Yeah I don't know either, exactly. I also seem to remember we've got a total of 60 and you've gotta have like 60% or 75% of that come the end of the year, but I'm very sure we've got a binding study advice. They've been flinging the term BSA around as often as they possibly can. It's kind of funny because when I had my compulsory talk with the study coordinator, she was all "Do you know about the BSA?" and I was all "How the fuck could I not." Except not in so many words, obviously.
