"Pulvis et umbra sumus," said Will, not looking at her as he spoke. "I believe we are dust and shadows."

Saturday, April 7, 2012

G: Geheim

Shh! It's a secret!

Lots of people have secrets, some more heavy than others.

Most people only have small secrets, like guilty pleasures or who they like. The fun thing with secrets is that they disappear the moment they become known. It's actually quite interesting to think about it that way; even if someone learns your secrets, at the same time they don't, because they're not actually secrets anymore. It's one of the very few known concepts that work that way.

I personally only have small, insignificant secrets. I don't even like anyone at the moment!

Although obviously I could be lying, keeping the fact that I have significant secrets a secret!~ Secretception.
Such fun.



  1. I have so much secrets. My mysterious side is as big as can be, really.

    1. Easily said, since no one will expect you to tell what your many secrets are in order to compare secretiveness. ;'D. Also WTH why are you still behind your pc? What time does that party start, anyway?

    2. *mac, rather than pc, of course. Excuses.

    3. A Mac is still a Personal Computer, though PC is easy to use in order to distinguish between Macs and the not-overpriced computers.
      Also 12:49 PM is like, in the middle of the day isn't it? If not then the timezones on your blog are wonky.
      (Posting this at 12, middle of the day, let's see what happens.)

    4. Yeah the times on your blog are, like, 9 hours behind. Check your settings ;D

  2. Ahhhh! Secrets are constructs! AHHHHH! Stop doing things like this to my brain!

  3. I have some fairly large secrets, that will remain secrets. I think I really do have stuff I plan to take to the grave, but it is pretty cool with the whole "Once it's been said it's no longer a secret" thing. Never really thought of that.

  4. What about shared secrets? :) Secrets-for-two. Or three. Or for an entire agency, just as long as no outsiders know about it. I guess that depends on your standards?

  5. I believe there's a distinct difference between "secret" and "private," which has confused many boyfriends. Some things I just keep to myself, thank you very much. ;) Nice post for the A to Z Challenge!
