"Pulvis et umbra sumus," said Will, not looking at her as he spoke. "I believe we are dust and shadows."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Everything was beautiful and nothing hurt.

Shit kill me now it seems I've started using dodgy Slaughterhouse V quotes as post titles. The end is nigh. Nigh, I tell you.

But really, everything went much better than expected. :'D. I got out of the A-Z Challenge with most of my dignity intact, and the first half week of study leave (for lack of a better word, basically it's just a two-week period before the finals start in which we're not expected to be at school) hasn't managed to kill me yet.

I feel kind of unlucky though. Because I'm doing the International Baccalaureate program (which'll get me an official diploma stating I'm a near-native English speaker (profit ensues), so I guess I can suffer the fact that) I have to do two additional exams, both of which have been planned DURING my two week's leave. >,>. Joy.

The first one was today. I had to write a comparative commentary (basically compare and contrast two different texts on things such as tone, theme, stylistic devices, purpose, etc). I'd been dreading this exam, because whenever I tried to practice for it I ended up drawing a blank and staring at an empty page for about an hour and a half before giving up.
I guess, though, that Lady Luck's been keeping an eye out for me, because I came away from that test with a HUGE cramp in my hand - but also with the feeling I'd pretty much aced it. Go me! :'D.

So now I'm over at Fang's place and we've been totally fucking up our time (Well not really it's pretty awesome just I don't think school would've given us two weeks off if they knew all we'd do with the time was watch anime x'D). It's really fun and awesome and we should totally do it again, nudge nudge. :').

Bahabhbhbhahabhhahbv. Ah. Yeah. For those of you that have been here since the beginning (basically: Mark); I finally beat LoZ: Ocarina of Time yesterday. It was glorious. And now I'm trying to devise a way to get my paws on Majora's Mask.

Just a few more weeks and I'll have oodles of time. :'D.

Also surprise periods suck. x'D.


1 comment:

  1. YAY YOU FINISHED OCARINA :D That's a much bigger achievement than your test, but still congrats on that :) Don't you and Fang get up to something I wouldn't do...which actually leaves you free to do pretty much anything. Well done on making it out of the A-Z Challenge too :)
