"Pulvis et umbra sumus," said Will, not looking at her as he spoke. "I believe we are dust and shadows."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

So whaddayaknow

I'm still alive after all!

I've been on a sort of hiatus for a while. Well, technically speaking, looking at my previous update schedule it's probably not as bad as it feels, but with the A-Z Challenge being still so close, I think I feel a sort of  obligation to post really often? Meh, it's obviously not strong enough to MAKE me post every day, but it's there. I know because I feel bad about not posting, even though I don't really have anything to say and my school finals have been draining any and all urges to do anything. It might have had something to do with the first two finals I took leaving me with a bad feeling about my grades, because yesterday I took the third one out of seven (I've had Dutch, maths, yesterday was physics and I've still got biology, English, chemistry and French left) and I basically breezed through it, and now I once again feel up to blogging. Now, don't get me wrong, I've still probably answered a couple of really stupid things, but all in all it went really well. I'm really relieved, because I was beginning to think I am actually stupid and unable to do well in finals.

On another note, I've just wasted about twenty-five years of my life trying to get the huge fucking parasol we have in the garden to actually do its job. I don't even know why that thing is so huge. In fact I don't even remember it ever being that huge. Maybe it grew. So I'm sitting here in the shade, but all the daylight is still enough to murk up the screen of my laptop pretty badly. It's inconvenient, but being outside is probably good for me. Back to the point, in the last couple of days been a real turnabout in weather here in the Netherlands. By which I mean it is UNBEARABLY FUCKING HOT and I'm only barely surviving. Don't worry, though, I complain about the heat really quickly. Most people would probably be relieved it's finally getting warmer.. I am too, but really? It could be toned down a little if you ask me, at least until the water on the beach is warm enough and I've got loads of free time. THEN I'll welcome this. It'll be heavenly.

That is, if I feel confident enough to actually go swimming with friends. >,>. I'm not exactly the skinniest girl out there and I hate wearing bikinis. Bathing suits are even worse, but that's got nothing to do with my figure. They're basically hell spawn all on their own. :').

But let me not get ahead of myself, first I'll have to make it through my finals. Sigh.

Tomorrow's biology and I'm really not worried about it, but I best go plow through my books in search of tidbits I've forgotten over the years.

I'm fairly sure I'll get back to you guys within more reasonable a time frame than last time :'D.

Enjoy your day, everyone. :).



  1. I'm sure you'll do fine in your finals :) You want heat? Try being me. All I wear is black and I cover as much of my body as possible. Even in summer. Yay me. I really can't stand heat either. I get hot very easily. What most consider "cool" or "warm" I consider so damn hot that I'm melting. I'M MELTING. Try not to worry too much about not posting either :)

    1. D'awhh.. Want me to sweep you up and put you in the freezer... In a MLP mold? x'DDD.

      It's finally cooling down a little, thank god.
      Also stupid Mark you shouldn't torture yourself like that! >:?

    2. Sadomasochism. Though actually it's a bad body image. I don't like my body at all. So I cover up as much as I can. I also only think I look good in black. I have a blue t-shirt I sometimes wear but I always wear a shirt over my t-shirt and I only have them in black. I abhor shorts, and even though I'm a guy I will never, ever, ever, go shirtless.

    3. Okay so I would love to be all "Well who cares balls to it" but I know exactly what you mean. Okay that sounds sort of patronizing but I really do, just with me it's never so overpowering I act on it that... rashly? It sucks to have such a dilemma. D:.
      And I can't actually say anything else sensible about it, I'm sorry.

  2. >complaining about weather
    >temperatures in mid-summer will be 50% higher than this

    >need to feel confident for doing something with friends
    >with friends
    I still find it a bit odd, sorry. Can't really relate. ):
    But okay, here's the deal. If we graduate, you're going swimming with us, as if it was some "grats you graduated" present. Eh?

    1. Yeah. I'm sure I'll be fine, it's just I hate looking ugly. I'm really self-conscious I guess, and that has more to do with me and less with friends. :').


      We're gonna make it through this.


    2. Yeah but why be self-conscious around friends? Nobody's judging you. I mean, we already know you and all. (And we can sort of make a guesstimate (holy shit spellcheck thinks that's a word, wtf is wrong with the world) of what you'd look like in a bikini, so no big surprises there.)
