"Pulvis et umbra sumus," said Will, not looking at her as he spoke. "I believe we are dust and shadows."

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I am so stoked.

I got a sufficient mark on my math resit. In fact, it was sufficient enough to elevate my average to a whopping 5.5 out of 10 - it may not be supremely awesome, but it is sufficient!! *PARTY TIME*
...Well, no, actually. I've got a presentation to prepare for tomorrow night. Idunwanna. I really suck at presenting, I always get all nervous and fumbly and- Lol. Fumbly. That's not a word! Not even a little bit of it. 

...Right. Maybe I should stop watching Tobuscus vids.... Naaaaahhh.

But back to the point! (You mean there WAS a point? -Shut up inner monologue brain thingie-)
The presentation. It's gonna be for parents and peers and the whole world and their dog (Welll no, but that's what it's gonna feel like, fersure). I know the material, heck, I'd better, after spending about 80 hours on the report/senior thesis the presentation is actually based on. It's just that, as I said, I can never present right. I can speak English well enough, not afraid of that in the least, but I'm not gonna be graded on whether my sentences are grammatically correct. I'm gonna be graded on the 'how many of your words actually make sense?'-factor.

"Why are you wasting your time writing this when you should be rehearsing your presentation?" I hear you ask. Well, I don't really have a good explanation, other than my chronic procrastination disorder. Is that a legit disorder? I say it is, damnit. :'D.

On a completely different note, I had to cut my fingernails because they kept breaking and tearing and causing me grief because my hair and other miscellaneous things kept getting snagged. D:. It's not that it looks bad with short nails, so much as it just pains me to lose the fruits of all my effort of leaving them alone so they could grow. Alas, poor Yorick! And that was completely unrelated. What a surprise. MOVING ON.

Yeah, actually, that's pretty much it for the day. I should really get my ass on with the presentation. I've been putting it off for way too long, already. See ya guys.  

Have this awesome, grammar-nazi tastic linguistic fest of a vid for teh funz:


It has Tobuscus! Be happy naoz.



  1. Your posts are all over fucking everywhere, the red line is jack shit, and you end with weird internet videos.
    ...I may slightly approve.

    Also you should go come and watch my shit tomorrow. Wiffen told me my pronunciation is "nice". You should totally go sit in the audience and crack it down by mumbling my errors.

    1. I'd never do that! Not watch, I prolly will, but I would never mess up your flow by not-so covertly grammar-nazi-ing all over your ass. ..That sounded slightly weird. :'D.

    2. It may have sounded weird but it was also... mildly arousing.
      ...someone get me a fucken towel.

  2. "Right. Maybe I should stop watching Tobuscus vids.... Naaaaahhh" nanananananananananananananananananananananan batman!!!!

  3. also O no kaze de tsuyoi yowai o kimen janē yo!
