"Pulvis et umbra sumus," said Will, not looking at her as he spoke. "I believe we are dust and shadows."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I: Ik-zucht

Which is, according to my dictionary, a legitimate Dutch word for egoism. Who would've thought. (The general Dutch term for egoism is, well, egoisme).

Egoism, I think, is good in moderation. Too selfish is never a good thing, but neither is utter selflessness, generally. It's good to be humble and to respect others, but deferring to others in everything you do and never standing up for yourself can be quite detrimental to your perception of yourself and other people's perception of you. Even if it is meant in a good way, you can hurt others by disregarding your own well-being in favor of others'.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that it is good to maintain a balance between giving and taking, between caring for yourself and for others. Sometimes that is easier said than done, though.



  1. There is such a thing is a healthy ego, and I know I don't have one. I give way too much, and take pretty much nothing. People tell me I should be more selfish, and look out for myself more, but it's just not in me.

  2. Ik-zucht is an actual thing you can say? Makes sense, similar to hebzucht, but what the balls.

    But hhggggg, balancing these things is SO HARD. Though I've recently been more included to make sure I'm having a fun time, too. wtf fang ):

  3. interesting ideas you have---it is hard striking that balance for sure
